ARUBA, 2011-2012

Establishing a new, regular exhibition on Aruba thus implies taking account of these preceding events, publicizing them and the related exhibitions, and participating in a wider dissemination of contemporary Caribbean art. The Aruba biennial is planned to function as a platform or stage: a cycle of activities over some months will reflect a variety of thematic interests related to the current Caribbean milieu and its art. It will also foster the area's relations with other geocultural zones having similar characteristics and problems; and it will invite, as special guests, recognized creative people from the Caribbean and elsewhere, to exhibit their work on Aruba and share the fruits of their experience with the Aruban artists.
Special attention will be paid to educational projects linked to the event, designed to familiarize the public with the various types of contemporary art. The Biennial will seek attendance by critics, curators and art historians from other parts of the world, to give lectures and run workshops and be potential disseminators of Caribbean visual arts at regional and international level.
For a project presentation please download the Pdf file
Co-curator: Alida Martínez, artist and cultural organizer, Aruba.